
Amazon Seller Scams to Watch Out for in 2024

In the vast and competitive landscape of e-commerce, Amazon stands as a giant, providing sellers with unparalleled opportunities to reach a global audience. However, with great opportunities come great risks, and one of the significant challenges faced by Amazon sellers is the threat of scams. As we step into 2024, it's crucial for sellers to stay informed and vigilant to safeguard their businesses.

Top Amazon seller scams to watch out for in 2024

Counterfeit Product Frauds:

Counterfeit products have been a persistent issue on Amazon, and scammers continually devise new tactics. In 2024, sellers must remain vigilant against counterfeiters who may hijack product listings, use misleading product images, or even replicate packaging. Regularly monitor your listings and customer reviews to detect any suspicious activity and report it to Amazon immediately.

Phishing Scams and Account Takeovers:

Phishing scams have become increasingly sophisticated, with scammers using fake emails or messages that appear to be from Amazon. Sellers should be cautious about clicking on links or providing sensitive information. Amazon will never ask for personal details via email, so any such request should be treated with suspicion. Enable two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of security to your account.

Fake Reviews and Ratings:

As reviews play a significant role in influencing buyer decisions, scammers attempt to manipulate them for their benefit. Keep an eye out for sudden spikes in positive reviews, especially if they come from unverified purchases. Report any suspicious reviews to Amazon, and consider using tools that help analyze and verify the authenticity of reviews.

Shipping and Returns Fraud:

In 2024, scammers may exploit the shipping and returns process to their advantage. Watch out for fake return requests, especially those involving high-value items. Implement clear return policies and communicate them to customers to minimize the risk of fraudulent returns.

Brands and Trademarks Infringement:

Unauthorized sellers may attempt to sell counterfeit or unauthorized versions of branded products. Protect your brand by registering trademarks and monitoring your listings for potential infringement. Utilize Amazon's Brand Registry to proactively report and prevent unauthorized use of your brand.

Hijacked Listings and Buy Box Manipulation:

Sellers should remain vigilant against listing hijackers who take control of product listings and manipulate prices to divert sales to their own accounts. Regularly check your inventory and listings for any unauthorized changes, and report suspicious activity to Amazon.

The Failed Delivery Scam:

The Failed Delivery Scam primarily targets Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) sellers on Amazon. In this scheme, a customer buys a product and falsely asserts that the item never reached them. Despite potential evidence that the product was indeed delivered, the buyer proceeds to request a refund. Amazon, in its customary approach, often issues a full refund, placing the burden on the seller to furnish proof of delivery. This challenge arises because, in most cases, shipping carriers collect a customer's signature upon delivery, yet scammers exploit the system by claiming non-receipt.

Protection strategies from Amazon seller scam

Here are some key strategies to avoid falling victim to scams as an Amazon seller in 2024:

Monitor Your Listings:

  • Regularly check your product listings for any unauthorized changes. Listing hijackers may alter product details, pricing, or images. Implement a system to track changes and respond promptly to any unauthorized modifications.

Protect Your Brand:

  • Register your brand with Amazon's Brand Registry to gain more control over your product listings. This can help prevent unauthorized sellers from listing counterfeit or unauthorized versions of your products.

Review Customer Feedback:

  • Keep a close eye on customer reviews. Sudden spikes in positive or negative reviews, especially those from unverified purchases, may indicate manipulation. Report suspicious reviews to Amazon to maintain the integrity of your product ratings.

Use Anti-Counterfeiting Tools:

  • Leverage tools and services designed to identify and combat counterfeit products. These tools can help you monitor your listings, detect unauthorized sellers, and report violations to Amazon.

Implement Clear Return Policies:

  • Clearly communicate your return policies to customers to minimize the risk of fraudulent return requests. Be vigilant about suspicious return patterns, especially for high-value items.

Regularly Update Passwords:

  • Change your Amazon account password regularly and avoid using the same password across multiple platforms. This helps prevent unauthorized access in case of a security breach.

Verify Suppliers and Partners:

  • If you source products from suppliers or work with partners, verify their legitimacy. Be cautious when dealing with new suppliers and thoroughly research their reputation before establishing a business relationship.

Utilize Third-Party Services:

  • Consider using third-party services that specialize in Amazon seller protection. These services often provide additional layers of security, including monitoring for suspicious activities and unauthorized changes.

Stay Informed about Policy Changes:

  • Amazon's policies and procedures evolve over time. Stay informed about any changes in Amazon's policies, terms of service, or seller guidelines to ensure compliance and avoid unintentional violations that scammers might exploit.


As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, so do the tactics of scammers looking to exploit unsuspecting sellers. Staying informed and proactive is the key to protecting your Amazon business from these scams. By implementing robust security measures, regularly monitoring your listings, and promptly reporting any suspicious activity to Amazon, you can navigate the online marketplace with confidence in 2024 and beyond.
